

What is Python frameworks? | types of python frameworks for students. | python frameworks for destop applications.



1. Django: Python Django is a free and open-source framework written in Python and is the most common framework for python .It allows you to create database   -driven websites. It follows the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle. This is a design philosophy that keeps code simple and eloquent. popular websites like Instagram ,Mozilla and Discus makes use of it.

2. Flask : Like Django, Flask is a web framework written in python itself. It is a micro framework because it does not need certain libraries and tools. It does not have form validation or a database abstraction layer.However, you make use of extensions to add extra feature.

3. Pyramid :Pyramid is another framework. It is neither a mega-framework that would make decisions for you nor a micro-framework that wouldn't force decisions. It gives you optional liberty of your project.

4. Tornado: Another open-source web framework, Tornado is written in Python language. It is noted for its excellent performance and scalability. 

5. Bottle :Like Flask, it is a micro-framework for python . It is used for web development Bottle is known for its speed,simplicity and lightweight.A single file can run both Python 2.5+ and 3.x.

6. web2py : Written in Python , web2py is another open source web framework. It emphasizes  on rapid development and follows and MVC architecture .MVC stands for Model View Controller.

7. NumPy :  NumPy is an open-source framework for python. It is used for scientific computing. It supports large multidimensional arrays and matrices, and functions to operates on them.

8. SciPy : SciPy is a Python library that you can use for scientific computing. It has modules for linear algebra, interpolation ,fast Fourier transform, image processing and many more. It uses multidimensional arrays form the NumPy module.

9. Pylons: This is a deprecated framework, which means it is no longer recommended. It is a web framework and is open sources as well. It makes extensive use of third- party tools.


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